
1. This week’s U.S. military incursion into Syria targeted:
a) Osama bin Laden
b) foreign terrorists who used Syria as a safe haven for their attacks in Iraq
c) a nuclear weapons plant that Syria claimed was used for nuclear energy only
d) the Syrian military, which had permitted anti-coalition forces to operate freely in their country

2. Which of the following points was made in a June 2008 report by the U.S. Pentagon on stability and security in Iraq?
a) the U.S. State Department needs to take a more active role in using diplomacy to persuade Syria to stop harboring terrorists
b) Syria remains a safe haven and transit point for the vast majority of foreign terrorist networks now operating in Iraq
c) Syria has established relations with the Iraqi government and continues to play a stabilizing role in the country
d) the UN needs to take a more active role in protecting coalition forces in Iraq from foreign insurgents entering the country through Syria

3. U.S. District Judge Richard Leon ruled this week that the term “enemy combatant” applies only to Guantanamo detainees who are accused of
a) writing letters to human rights groups complaining about their treatment at Gitmo
b) talking about the possibility of planning a terrorist attack against the U.S.
c) supporting Taliban or al Qaeda forces in hostile acts or in a battle against the U.S.
d) getting captured on their way to join terrorists in an attack against the U.S.

4. U.S. District Judge Richard Leon’s ruling this week set a standard that could force the federal government to __________________ many of the 255 terrorism suspects detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
a) execute
b) compensate
c) try and release
d) rehabilitate

5. The North Korean government threatened South Korea this week with military action for:
a) dropping leaflets from balloons into North Korea calling for regime change
b) dropping leaflets from balloons into North Korea mocking dictator Kim Jong Il’s appearance
c) spreading rumors that Kim Jong Il is dead
d) refusing to send North Korean refugees in South Korea back to their homeland

6. The U.S. and South Korean governments have a contingency plan which deals with a regime collapse upon the death of Kim Jong Il. The plan provides for the possibility of a mass exodus from North Korea and:
a) the possibility of North Korea’s use/sale of its nuclear weapons in a dangerous manner
b) the possibility of the North Korean military attacking Russia in an attempt to gain control of their natural gas reserves
c) the possibility of Kim Jong Il’s favorite place – Disneyland – granting his last request to be buried there
d) the possibility of China taking over control of North Korea

7. Ballot measures appearing on this November’s various state election ballots include all but:
a) a marriage amendment making marriage only between one man and one woman
b) an attempt at banning abortion with the exception of victims of rape and incest, and to protect the mother’s health
c) eliminating affirmative-action
d) banning the use of cell phones while driving

8. Which state will not have a marriage amendment proposition on its ballot next week?
a) California
b) Florida
c) Massachusetts
d) Arizona

9. The U.N. peacekeeping mission has _________ troops in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
a) 170
b) 1,700
c) 17,000
d) 170,000

10. Who have the citizens of the Democratic Republic of Congo staged protests against recently?
a) the U.N. peacekeepers
b) the rebel group led by Laurent Nkunda
c) the U.S. embassy
d) the president of the Democratic Republic of Congo

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