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An editorial cartoonist often uses humor to point out the absurd or ridiculous. What recent news item is Steve Kelley making fun of in his cartoon?
a) the NJ sixth grader suing his parents for making him eat broccoli after he told them he didn’t like broccoli
b) the NJ teen suing her parents for support after she left home to live with a friend because her parents gave her a curfew and made her do chores
c) the NJ teen suing her parents for support after she left home because they did not provide enough healthy alternatives at the dinner table
d) the NJ teen suing her parents for not buying her the car they had promised
(Warning: suing parents in a frivolous lawsuit will hurt this child/teen’s future job opportunities; potential employers who read this story will not be interested in hiring such a person, no matter what his/her grades are)
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answers.

Cartoon by Steve Kelley
b) the NJ teen suing her parents for support after she left home to live with a friend because her parents gave her a curfew and made her do chores