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1. Which literary device does the cartoonist use to make his point? Explain your answer.
a) symbol
b) oxymoron
c) caricature
d) irony
2. Which one of the following best describes the main idea of this cartoon?
a) it’s possible that Mozilla discriminates against potential employees who hold personal beliefs that don’t match up with the company’s
b) Mozilla should implement a thorough interview process to weed out any potential employee who holds dissenting views on social issues
c) Mozilla does not discriminate in its hiring practices
d) interview questions are very thorough at Mozilla
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answers.

Cartoon by Gary Varvel
1. d) irony – when the opposite of what you expect to happen occurs; Mozilla is dedicated to openness on the internet – you would expect them to employ people who hold differing personal viewpoints on social/religious issues
it is not:
a) symbol – when an object, character, figure, place, or color is used to represent an abstract idea or concept
b) oxymoron – when two terms that seem to contradict each other, such as “same difference” or “wise fool” are used
c) caricature – a description or characterization that exaggerates or distorts a character’s prominent features, usually for purposes of mockery. F
2. a) it’s possible that Mozilla discriminates against potential employees who hold personal beliefs that don’t match up with the company’s