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The British government announced this month that all dogs must be microchipped to make it easier to trace the owners of dangerous animals to ensure that people are held accountable for their animal’s behavior.  

1.  Which word best describes the type of literary device the cartoonist is using?
a) pun
b) personification
c) onomatopoeia
d) oxymoron

2.  Why did you choose the answer you did?

Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answers.

Cartoon for London's Daily Telegraph by Matt.


1.  b) personification 

2.  Personification is a figure of speech in which human characteristics are attributed to an abstract quality, animal, or inanimate object.

The cartoonist did not use:

a) pun,  which is a “play on words” – a type of humor using a word or phrase that has two meanings
c) onomatopoeia, which is the creation of words that imitate natural sounds (buzz and hiss are examples of onomatopoeia)
d) oxymoron, which is a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as the phrase “jumbo shrimp” “virtual reality”)