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A pun is a “play on words.” It is a type of humor using a word or phrase that has two meanings. Explain the two puns the cartoonist uses. (What is the cartoonist implying?)
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answers.

Cartoon by Lisa Benson
“Your toast” means ‘here is your toast’ and also ‘you are toast’ (it’s over; you’re in big trouble)
“Hillary’s private server” means ‘the butler who is serving her breakfast,’ and also ‘the private computer server she kept in her home’
The cartoonist is implying that Mrs. Clinton is in trouble (she’s toast) for using a private server.
When she was U.S. Secretary of State, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton used a personal email address through her own private (computer) server and later deleted most of the information.
The heads of federal government agencies are required by law to preserve all documentation/correspondence. [Under the law (the Federal Records Act), “the head of each Federal agency shall make and preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation…”]
Mrs. Clinton is now being investigated for wrongdoing.