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1. What is the meaning of this cartoon — What message is the cartoonist trying to get across?
a) The guy with the Genie in the lamp wants the rich man to share his wealth
b) Democratic Socialism will make us all equally poor
c) Life is not fair
d) Democratic Socialism is the great equalizer
2. What idiom best exemplifies the cartoonist’s intended meaning?
a) Big brother is watching you
b) Don’t let the fox guard the henhouse
c) Be careful what you wish for
d) A fool and his money are soon parted
3. a) Ask a parent if he/she agrees with the cartoonist’s assertion and to explain why or why not.
b) Ask a teacher the same question.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answers.

Cartoon by Mike Lester
1. b) Democratic Socialism will make us all equally poor
2. c) Be careful what you wish for
3. Opinion questions. Answers vary.
What is Democratic Socialism? Read Stossel’s “No, Sweden and Denmark are not socialist”
See StudentNewsDaily’s Socialism v. Capitalism page (includes videos)