The following is an excerpt from’s “Best of the Web” written by the editor, James Taranto.

News You Can Use
“How to Buy an Aircraft Carrier in 1,386 Easy Steps”–headline, Yahoo! News, Sept. 14

Bottom Stories of the Day

  • “Fla. Ag Commissioner Doesn’t Draw Crowd”–headline, Miami Herald, Sept. 14
  • “Ahmadinejad to Visit NY for UN Meeting”–headline, PressTV website (Iran), Sept. 13

Man With Gun Seen at Gun Store
A passerby in Portland, Ore., called police to alert them that a man standing outside a store “was holding a gun and looked ‘nervous and sweaty,’ ” Pete Simpson, a spokesman for Portland’s finest tells the Oregonian:

Area residents reported seeing officers surround the shop and set up a perimeter with assault rifles drawn. But police quickly realized the “suspicious” man was there to sell a gun. They left without issuing any citations, Simpson said.

The store in question is called The Gun Room:

“The police response was appropriate,” Simpson said. “If you thought someone was robbing a gun shop, you’re going to show up with guns.”

At least they didn’t bring a knife to a gunfight.

For more “Best of the Web” click here and look for the “Best of the Web Today” link in the middle column below “Today’s Columnists.