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1. Tone is the attitude a cartoonist takes towards a subject. Which pair of words best describes the tone of this cartoon?
a) resigned/defeated
b) solemn/serious
c) elated/ecstatic
d) light-hearted/humorous
e) disgusted/cynical
2. To what news item does this cartoon refer?
3. The people referenced to in this cartoon assumedly oppose President-elect Trump’s proposed policies, such as his vow to secure the border with Mexico. They have said if he were elected, they would move (mostly) to Canada. Why do you think people who support open borders with Mexico don’t ever say they will move to Mexico if the candidate they oppose is elected?
4. Why shouldn’t a person leave the U.S. if a candidate they dislike wins the presidency?
CHALLENGE: A parody is a work created to make fun of, comment on, or in the case of this cartoon, imitate an original work — its subject, author, style, or some other target — by means of satiric or ironic imitation. “Parody … is imitation, not always at the expense of the parodied text.”
Usually, for a better effect, a parody makes fun of a famous or well-known piece of work, so the audience has a better chance of recognizing the original.
What famous photograph does this cartoon parody?
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answers.

Cartoon by Glenn McCoy
1. d) light-hearted/humorous
2. News reports list at least 20 famous people – including Miley Cyrus, Jon Stewart, Ne-Yo, Samuel L. Jackson and Amy Schumer – who have said they would move to Canada (or other countries) if Donald Trump was elected president. Cartoonist Glenn McCoy is spoofing all of the stars who said they would move from the U.S. — getting on the last helicopter out of Hollywood — when they are in no danger (compared to the last helicopter out of Saigon, Vietnam when people were fleeing for their lives).
3. Opinion question. Answers vary.
4. Opinion question. Answers vary.
CHALLENGE: A parody is a work created to make fun of, comment on – in the case of this cartoon – imitate, an original work — its subject, author, style, or some other target — by means of satiric or ironic imitation. “Parody … is imitation, not always at the expense of the parodied text.” Usually, for a better effect, a parody imitates a famous or well-known piece of work, so the audience has a better chance of recognizing the original.
What famous photograph does Glenn McCoy’s cartoon parody?
Answer: 2015 marked the 40th anniversary of the Fall of Saigon (South Vietnam) to the Communist Viet Cong (North Vietnamese) army. The photo is of the end of the Evacuation of Saigon which marked the end of the Vietnam War. CIA air officer Oren “O.B.” Harnage asked Air America pilot Robert Caron and co-pilot Jack “Pogo” Hunter to pick up “the deputy prime minister and his family.” United Press International’s Hugh van Es photographed Caron and Hunter’s chopper perched atop Saigon’s Pittman Building, about a half-mile from the embassy. In the picture, Harnage is seen standing on the roof, helping evacuees climb a ladder to get on board. The iconic photograph has come to symbolize the chaos and desperation of that day. (read a 2015 Daily News Article: “The history-making, chaotic evacuation of Saigon 40 years later”

Pittman Building, Saigon, April 30, 1975. (Photo: Hubert Van Es, UPI)