Which is more alarming?
If you’re NBC, the choice is clear: the answer is #2. Consider the editorializing that crept in the news item NBC’s Amy Rohbach “news” item on January 7th “Today.”:
“An alarming report in a British newspaper says Israel is plotting a nuclear attack on Iran’s nuclear enrichment facilities. Now, the report cannot be independently confirmed. In response, Iran’s foreign minister today called Israel ‘the main menace to global peace and promises to retaliate if attacked.'”
Granted, the possible use of nuclear weapons, even the small, tactical ones described in the Times [UK] article, could seriously raise the international stakes. But while NBC views Israel’s possible use of nuclear weapons as “alarming,” it blithely passes along Iran’s vow to retaliate and its branding of Israel as the world’s biggest “menace.”
Fair and balanced?
Go to NewsBusters.org for the complete report.