Never Remember

Friday's Editorial Cartoon   —   Posted on April 13, 2007


A British government-backed study has revealed that some British schools no longer teach students about the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslim pupils.  The study found that some teachers are reluctant to cover the atrocity for fear of upsetting Muslim students whose beliefs include Holocaust denial.  Do you think it is right for British schools to eliminate Holocaust lessons from their curriculum?  Explain your answer.

NOTE 4/18/07: Sir Alan Collins, Consul-General to the British Consulate General in Manhattan challenged this assertion in a letter to the NY Post on April 17.  He said:
Teaching the Holocaust is mandatory in all secondary schools in England.  Education Secretary Alan Johnson has made it clear that certain subjects will be protected in the U.K. school curriculum - including the Holocaust.  Teaching the Holocaust is something we take very seriously in the United Kingdom, and teachers will continue to teach it to our schoolchildren in the future. ... It is a shame that such a serious allegation has been made against the British government's education policy without checking the allegation with the British government first.

Cartoon posted with permission from the artist.