Daily News Article - November 10, 2005
1. What is Fox New Channel's motto? Define hypocrite.
Why is the Fox documentary on Global Warming hypocritical?
2. Clay Rawson, producer of the global warming documentary says "often...we present both sides...[of an issue], but this is the global warming story..." What does he imply about global warming in his statement?
3. Fox News has 9 of the top 10 watched shows on cable news. Why do people watch Fox News?
4. Fox News reporters usually say "We report. You decide." What does that imply about the information they provide on various issues?
5. What does reporter Rick Folbaum believe about global warming?
Mr. Folbaum says "learn the facts about global warming and decide for yourself what needs to be done about these new realities." What conclusion is he making about global warming?
To be truly "Fair and Balanced" how should Fox have presented global warming?
6. Do a search for "global warming myths" in different search engines: Google.com, Yahoo.com and Mamma.com.
Which of the following organizations that question the validity of global warming come up in your search?
Which site do you find to be the most interesting? Explain your answer.
7. Write to Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes at roger.ailes@foxnews.com to express your opinion about the upcoming global warming documentary.