Tuesday – 6/20/06

Quote of the Week   —   Posted on June 20, 2006

Iraqi views of the U.S.

“… tell people that your boys and girls are doing a great job in Iraq. And that your media in this country is doing a bad job.  I asked a friend who watches CNN, or maybe Fox News, that if TV was showing an infantry platoon getting bombed in Iraq or your Army opening a new hospital in Baghdad, which one would he watch? Of course he said the bombing. And that’s what TV shows.

“It doesn’t show the good things that are going on. Our economy is much better than it was under Saddam. Our way of life is much better. Our average income is up. And we have thousands of young men wanting to get into our army even though they know they are targets of the insurgents. Those are the stories that should be told.”
(Capt. Arkan of the Iraqi army.  For security reasons he gives only his first name.)
Read the article on Captain Arkan here.


“So to all those who demonstrated selfless service, sacrifice and valor, and to all families and sons who supported them, to all those who brought Saddam and put him and his assistants in the same cage and prison that he made them one day for the Iraqi people, to all those who stopped the racial purification, racial discrimination, the torture the raping and the organized processes of killing the Iraqi innocent people my respect, thanks, and regards…”
a letter to LTC Todd M. Jacobus from Hasan, an Iraqi interpreter who operated out of Camp Ramadi
To read the letter from Hasan reprinted in an interview with LTC Todd M. Jacobus, go to FamiliesUnitedMission.com.