Monday 10/24/11

Human Interest News   —   Posted on October 24, 2011

Drew Manning before and after

This super-sized publicity stunt can’t be heathy.

Drew Manning — a 6-foot-2, 187-pound personal trainer from Eagle Mountain, Utah — is gorging on fast food and has ballooned to 270 pounds, all to make a point about fitness.

Manning plans to end his feast on Nov. 1 and then go on a six month workout to drop all his extra pounds.


Bear feasts at candy store in Tenn. mountains

A bear has feasted on pecan logs, caramel apples and other treats at a candy store in the Smoky Mountains resort town Gatlinburg, Tenn.

Employees reporting for work found the bear Wednesday morning at the Ole Smoky Candy Kitchen, where the animal apparently had knocked a hole in a glass front door to enter, according to The Mountain Press.

Police propped open several back doors and made loud noises, and the bear ran into the woods.

The animal had spread candy on the floor, and wrappers and packaging were strewn throughout a back storeroom. Pecan logs had been chewed and chunks were missing out of caramel apples.

Bob Miller of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park said bears are active this time of year, searching for food before hibernation.


A Southern California boy “rolled” into action when his mom was attacked by dogs.

The 31-year-old woman was walking her own pooches in Colton when two large dogs charged at her pets, then turned on her.

Her 11-year-old son sprang into action — swinging his skateboard at the attacking dogs and chasing them away. The mom was treated for bites, but it could have been a lot worse.


High Court judges in Ireland will no longer need to don their wigs.

To save money, the Irish government says it will no longer pay for judges’ wigs.

Until now, each new judge has received a white-dyed horsehair wig that costs taxpayers about $3,000.

The tradition of wearing the horsehair wigs dates back to the restoration of the monarchy in England in 1660 and it survived the transition to Independence in 1921.


From The NY Post and The