It’s Always in the Last Place You Look

Daily Best of the Web   —   Posted on February 10, 2012

The following is an excerpt from’s “Best of the Web” written by the editor, James Taranto.

It’s Always in the Last Place You Look
“Missing: 5.4 Million Workers”–headline, Boston Globe, Feb. 8

Bottom Stories of the Day
“Virgin Islands Governor Accuses TheDC of Racism for Reporting Bribery Scandal”–headline,, Feb. 8

They Must Be Referring to the Kindle iPhone App
“With positive ratings for Congress at an all-time low, it may come as no surprise that a plurality of voters nationwide believes a group of people randomly selected from a telephone book would do a better job than the current legislators,” reports the Rasmussen polling firm:

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters shows that 43% believe a group of people randomly selected from the phone book would do a better job than the current Congress. Thirty-eight percent (38%) disagree with that assessment, while another 19% are not sure.

For now, count us among the 19%. What’s a “phone book,” anyway?

For more “Best of the Web” click here and look for the “Best of the Web Today” link in the middle column below “Today’s Columnists.”