
-Read the excerpt below from Matthew Sheffield's post at on May 30th.
-Read "Types of Media Bias" in the right column. Then answer the question.

Over the weekend, Iraq’s foreign minister, Hoshyar Zibari, and Iran’s foreign affairs chief held a meeting to discuss, among other things, Iran’s nuclear program. Afterward, the two held a press conference. CNN reported on the conference but instead of reporting that Iraq wanted Iran to guarantee its program was for peaceful purposes, the network implied that Iraq was backing its neighbor entirely.

Omar at Iraq the Model caught CNN in its error. Here’s what CNN claimed Zibari said:

Iran doesn’t claim that they want to obtain a nuclear weapon or a nuclear bomb, so there is no need that we ask them for any guarantee now.

Here’s what he actually said, as translated by Omar from the Arabic original:

We respect Iran’s and every other nation’s right to pursue nuclear technology for research purposes and peaceful use given they accept [giving] the internationally required guarantees that this will not lead to an armament race in the region.

For the complete report, go to

Identifying Media Bias

To accurately identify different types of bias, you should be aware of the issues of the day, and the liberal and conservative perspectives on each issue.

Types of Media Bias:


Blogger Omar at  “Iraq the Model” asks:  “Does CNN have problems with translation from Arabic to English or is it a case of deliberate twisting of facts?” 
What do you think?   Explain your answer.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answers.


Opinion question.  Answers vary.